A design object vehicle of important messages to support a life free from violence.

Aga, a company committed to the creation of eco-sustainable gadgets, has decided to be alongside BOSSY against violence against women, hrough “Frosty for Women”, the Project for which a design object has been created that embodies an important message: «Listening».
Our commitment was to donate 50% of the proceeds to contribute to the realization of the Bossy calendar as well as for the realization of projects to combat gender violence. The Bossy association, in fact, will dedicate 2022 to projects in support of Italian anti-violence centers, donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the calendar to the CAVs.
Aga, a company committed to the creation of eco-sustainable gadgets, has decided to be alongside BOSSY against violence against women, hrough “Frosty for Women”, the Project for which a design object has been created that embodies an important message: «Listening».
Our commitment was to donate 50% of the proceeds to contribute to the realization of the Bossy calendar as well as for the realization of projects to combat gender violence. The Bossy association, in fact, will dedicate 2022 to projects in support of Italian anti-violence centers, donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the calendar to the CAVs.

Aga, azienda impegnata nella realizzazione di gadget ecosostenibili, ha deciso di essere al fianco di Bossy contro la violenza sulle donne, dedicando un prodotto che racchiude in sé un importante messaggio: “Amati”. Frosty è disponibile anche sul sito di Aga Design.

Aga, a company committed to the creation of eco-sustainable gadgets, has decided to be alongside BOSSY against violence against women, hrough “Frosty for Women”, the Project for which a design object has been created that embodies an important message: «Listening».
Our commitment was to donate 50% of the proceeds to contribute to the realization of the Bossy calendar as well as for the realization of projects to combat gender violence. The Bossy association, in fact, will dedicate 2022 to projects in support of Italian anti-violence centers, donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the calendar to the CAVs.

The thousand faces of Frosty

In order to be able to fight gender-based violence every day, we must first of all listen. Listen to those who have suffered it and those who live it. Because to fight you have to know, and to know you have to listen; And being heard, for women, at times, still remains a privilege.
According to AGA and Bossy it is necessary to recognize and listen to those who have experienced this violence, understanding why it is so difficult to talk about it, without diminishing it, without detaching oneself from it, without thinking that it does not concern us. We must defend different narratives, which replace a culture of shame with that of respect.

"Da diversi anni siamo impegnati in progetti di solidarietà.

Siamo orgogliosi del nuovo progetto legato a Bossy poiché cci permette di essere attivi verso un problema ampiamente diffuso e urgente. Il nostro linguaggio ci consente di coinvolgere e sensibilizzare le persone su un argomento di primario valore sociale e contemporaneamente di indirizzare all’Associazione risorse utili alla sua missione” commenta Monica Vitale, AD di Aga.

In order to be able to fight gender-based violence every day, we must first of all listen. Listen to those who have suffered it and those who live it. Because to fight you have to know, and to know you have to listen; And being heard, for women, at times, still remains a privilege.
According to AGA and Bossy it is necessary to recognize and listen to those who have experienced this violence, understanding why it is so difficult to talk about it, without diminishing it, without detaching oneself from it, without thinking that it does not concern us. We must defend different narratives, which replace a culture of shame with that of respect.

"Da diversi anni siamo impegnati in progetti di solidarietà.

 Siamo orgogliosi del nuovo progetto legato a Bossy poiché ci permette di essere attivi verso un problema ampiamente diffuso e urgente. Il nostro linguaggio ci consente di coinvolgere e sensibilizzare le persone su un argomento di primario valore sociale e contemporaneamente di indirizzare all’Associazione risorse utili alla sua missione” commenta Monica Vitale, AD di Aga.

"Da diversi anni siamo impegnati in progetti di solidarietà.

Siamo orgogliosi del nuovo progetto legato a Bossy poiché ci permette di essere attivi verso un problema ampiamente diffuso e urgente. Il nostro linguaggio ci consente di coinvolgere e sensibilizzare le persone su un argomento di primario valore sociale e contemporaneamente di indirizzare all’Associazione risorse utili alla sua missione” commenta Monica Vitale, AD di Aga.

In Italia, una donna su tre ha subìto almeno un episodio di violenza fisica, psicologica o sessuale nell’arco della propria vita: per questo, noi di Aga non rimaniamo indifferenti alla questione, realizzando un progetto contro la violenza di genere.

L’obiettivo di Frosty for Women è che ogni donna possa essere ascoltata,
possa condividere la sua storia e non sentirsi sola.
Siamo tutti «In Ascolto»